Sunday, December 16, 2012

Life is painful.

        Reflecting on my Facebook postings, I realize things are changing. I grew up playing with toy guns that were incredibly real looking.  I grew up knowing my father served in war.  I feel I have developed empathy for gun violence, not cheering for mindless war movies.  But, I do appreciate the design and firepower of weapons.  They appeal to me.  Looking at the role of gun violence in American history, I feel a need to understand.  Why do young white men (predominately) feel the need to walk up to complete strangers and do so much damage?  I know the songs, I listen to alternative music, and teenage angst is something I remember.  I haven't been able to watch the news coverage of the shooting largely because I can't stand the thought of children that are the same age as my child will not come home.  My worlds need to be separate for my sanity, and the loss of my children would devastate me.  The classroom training for shooters versus my own children involved... that is a line I can't cross.  In this event, I refuse to try to grasp what happened.  The spin is not what I am interested in. 
        In the aftermath, this Sunday night, as the President of the United States travels to see the families, the local news broadcasts a story about an uptick in gun sales.  The line crosses my mind, and my apologies if anyone truly takes this to heart, but in my sarcastic mind, "if only those teachers/kids would have had guns."  When we see tragedy, we determine not to be a victim.  When we see pain, we turn it in to anger.  Turn the other cheek went a way a long time ago.  Our souls are tarnished, and we now embody the Punisher and Wolverine much more than Jean Grey and Captain America.  We have become the Phoenix.  Look what became of her.  Gay marriage and pornography will not destroy our culture as quickly as guns.  No, not as long as bullets are so cheap, and I have a right a civilian M-4.  Sociologically, we are all interconnected.  What is causing this phenomenon? 

Additional Note:  Survivor takes a moment for silence.  Every show has done something.  Who is this for, exactly?  And what of the others who died in the last week from gunshots?  What makes Newtown newsworthy?  The children, the number?  For me, personally, it is the age of the kids.   The proximity to my own children.  The thoughts that I don't want to have.  And, what becomes of the community in the next few weeks? When do the prayers stop? 

Wow factor.

Boy, how times have changed.  My son has a book report due this week.  No sense in waiting until the last minute to start.  Well, the book fell apart as he read it, and ended up in separate places.  When he finally buckled down to work today, he couldn't find it.  If that was me, I would have spent days looking for the book.  Instead, I taught him to use Google Books.  Putting in the name of the book (Harry Houdini) and scrolling until I recognized the cover in the images, we tracked down a digital copy of his book.  Truly, if it had been me, twenty-six years ago, I would just not have done the work if I couldn't find the book.  What a different world we live in today, and that my children will grow up in.  My son came home with outline maps of states.  I taught him to use Google Images to figure out the state, and then google "state facts" for the information the worksheet requires.  When I was a kid, we had Funk and Wagnall's encyclopedia.  I remember seeing them on sale in the super market.  Now, more knowledge than that is available to my students on their phone.  My children will grow up in a world that I can not currently envision.  My four year old is watching movies at will on my tablet.  My son is competing in a Lego's Robotics League.  I don't recognize this world.  Simply amazing.  Whatever I want to learn, I google. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Town Hall Debate, Oct 16, 2012

Fun debate to watch.  They did get heated.  I was digging in the fridge when I heard a pop sound.  I was certain Romney went after Obama, as Obama had the mic, and was criticizing him.  They really tore in to some skin.  Going back to the 2004 debate, John Kerry vs. Bush.  I gave it to Kerry, but after the debates, when the crowd came down, they rushed Bush.  The comment afterwards was that even Democrats wanted to have a beer with Bush.  Similar event happening here.  First of all, when the families came up, the Romney family surrounded Mitt, and he was not accessible to the crowd.  That didn't look good for him.  Obama dove right in to the crowd, shaking hands.  He continues to be popular with the crowd, talking and shaking hands.  Romney is posing for a lot of pictures, and signing.  It seems the audience is leaning to Obama.  Michelle is posing and talking up well.  Ann seems alone.  Lots of Secret Service around Romney.  Candy, the moderator, was top notch.  She owned the candidates.  Romney tried to fight her early on, but she held her own.  Well played.  Everyone wants photos.  Oddly, they all have store bough disposables.  There must have been a rule about carry ins.  I see no purses, no bags, and no cameras.  Wonder if the committee for the debates bought the cameras. . . In this day and age, how do you not have a digital camera?  What a fun night.  It is now 20 minutes after the debate ended.  Obama has a crowd.  Ann is standing alone.  The audience is completely surrounding the Obamas.  Is that Romney going over to pose with Obama?  Maybe asking for an autograph.  It was interesting to hear the black guy asking Obama why he should vote for him, and what a situation everyone made of it.  His skin color owned his behavior and his comments.  We are not post racial. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

The end of the innocence. . . Thanks Don Henley, and Conventioneers

Watching the key note speakers at both conventions has been fun.  I don't remember it being as exciting when I was younger.  Both had great choices and really got the crowd fired up.  A couple of observations.  Did the Democrats have a smaller arena, allowing it to look more crowded and full?  It is a negative to see a stadium only half full on television, right, NFL?  The use of video to provide a narrative story seemed fairly effective, and was heavily used at the DNC.  Why so effective, you ask?  Well, for one thing, it is a story and we like stories.  It is rehearsed and contemplated and critiqued to death, so no accidental fumbles, Joe Biden/Eastwoodish.  The imagery has a subtle and transfixative effect so that we attach good feelings to a message as we see positive images;  carefully chosen, vetted images:  the candidate with a baby, with veterans, with farmers.  The videos tended not to argue facts, but spin a narrative, and so there is no angry statistics to confuse the audience or get the media in a frenzy providing accuracy reports.  It provides a nice break from the monotony of talking heads and teleprompters. 

The DNC spent a good deal of money bringing out signs that were preprinted with messages that reflected the speakers.  This gave a sense of unity and cohesion that cameras played on.  PBS commentators commented on the fact that workers spent part of the video, knowing cameras would focus on the video instead, passing out signs.  Most famously, they passed out the "We (heart) Michelle" placards as Mrs. Obama was preparing to enter.  The audience got very excited, and as the video came to an end, they were preprared to cheer the First Lady.  Instead, they were greeted with a military mother.  The talking head made notice of a vocal "Ohhhh....." that it wasn't Michelle coming out.

It was a tad disheartening to hear the booing about things from the audience.  Maybe it is the fact that I am at a school that really doesn't boo opponents, but I find it rather low and classless.  We are all still Americans, and it is self-destructive in my view.  The same with the "USA!  USA!" chants.  Did you expect the other convention to cheer something else?  "USSR!  USSR!"  or "Switzerland!  Switzerland!"  Again, we are all on the same team, but just differing views of the ball.  We need to refocus and realize that we are stronger when united, and even in defeat, can remain respectful. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Differences between speeches. . .

It is clear, after listening to Castro, the tone is different between the incumbent party and the challenging party.  The challenging party has to focus on what their opponent has done wrong and what their candidate will do to fix it, but largely are free of a need for evidence, because they come with a fairly blank slate.  They have never been president before (presumably).  The incumbent (the sitting president) has the ability to put a positive spin on their own record, but also has the negative interpretation/spin on that same record.  Romney's supporters had to be negative to rally support, but can only offer promises of what is to come.  Running a private business is very different than being POTUS.  2016 will be super exciting, as both parties will be putting forward brand new candidates, if Obama wins.  Obama, if he loses, won't run again in 2016, more than likely.  Romney, if history pans out, will not run successfully for the candidacy in 2016.  What a crazy system we have.  Sadly, you get one shot at the national ticket, and if you fail in November, the party tends to push you aside.  I cannot think of a major candiate that lost in Novemeber who came back four years later.  Many who don't win the primary will return, but not the candidate for the general election. 

Democratic National Convention

Flipping through the channels, looking for a good sitcom with a bit of substance (Modern Family), I found the Democratic National Convention on PBS.  I was expecting to watch the keynotes at 9, but was drawn in by a fiery blonde woman.  Oh, this is the Lilly Ledbetter I have heard about.  Her story is interesting. In short, she worked for a number of years, and the law said that her employer did not need to share the pay scale of herself and her coworkers, for comparison.  She found out only much later that she wasn't paid on an equal scale to male counterparts, and sued.  The case made it to the Supreme Court, and she was denied in a 5-4 split decision.  President Obama signed a bill passed through Congress, shortly after he was sworn in.  Some questions to look at on this issue:  how quickly did this make it through both houses of Congress?  Remember, the Congress would just be convening for a new session in January, and would have all new bills.  Congress would seem to deserve a little credit.  When did the Supreme Court decision get handed down?  And on what grounds did they turn her down?  This information is available on teh American Bar Association's website.  You can see who filed petitions in support of both Ledbetter, and her opponents.  You can even read the opinions of the justices. will allow you to look back at the bill in Congress, who sponsored it, who supported, and how members of Congress voted for it, as well as the wording of the actual bill.

Corey Booker, mayor of Newark, spoke at the convention today.  He was critical of the Democratic criticism of Bain, and received some heat.  He came in tonight to toss in some fire in support of the Democratic candidate.  I mention Booker because he is a very interesting case.  A rising star in the Democratic Party (or so they've been saying for about four years now), he has done well to change the dialogue in Newark.  I first came across him in the original campaign movie Street Fight, through Netflix.  It is not available for streaming, but if you get a chance to see it, it provides insight into this young man of a newer generation that seek to change the dialogue.  He fought a democratic candidate, and refuses to give up on Newark.  Worth watching. 

The Maryland governor tried to get the crowd fired up, but the liberals have a hard time coordinating their signs.  There are two simple signs:  "Not Back" and "Forward".  He mentions over and and over, "Forward", "Not Back", but the signs are not going up in the right order.  The crowd is being given multiple attempts, but struggling with the coordination.  By the way, blue is the color of the Democratic party, red is the color of the Republican party.  Figure out which color is which here. . .

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Issues of Race

Having attended the opening of the Hunger Games, clearly, I was interested in the series.  There, of course, were things I was disappointed with in the movies.  That is a given.  What took me completely surprise was the reaction to the movie portraying Rue as black.  I follow a sociology blog, and was taken quite aback at the stir that popped up over Rue.

There are some interesting links embedded within this review.  Some of the comments were pretty extreme, so read with caution. 

Another blogger I follow linked to the following article concerning some of the popular films coming out lately.  Again, the issues of race and religion are confronted in the forefront.  The purpose of this is to challenge, and generate thought, not to demand change.  Just to get readers thinking. Give it a try.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Republican caucus was interesting.  The speakers were not exciting, but telling.  The crowd was even more telling.  Take a look and see what you see of the audience.  I tried to get the largest clump I could.  The location is Shawnee Mission East.  I wasn't able to make the Democratic caucus, and I kick myself.  Crazy thing about having a kid's birthday. . .

And, oh yeah, Ron Paul showed up to speak at the second session.  Below is a banner that spoke to those who paid for the caucus.  The interesting part is when you get past the big name politicians, and you get to the PACs. 

Images of men and women

So, what are we telling our kids?  What is important?  The clothing is "cute".  But, does it establish an understanding of what is expected?  Are there hidden messages?  What are your thoughts?
Wow.  I got to eat a very personal, private dinner with the author of our text book.  There were an additional nine college professors, and the woman who sent the invitations.  It was an incredible pleasure to sit with him.  My students gave me a list of questions to ask the author.  He was a liberal New Yorker, with a jagged outlook.  He was a lot of fun to talk to, to bounce ideas off of, and to spend an evening.  The guy is very sharp and very interesting.  As he got comfortable with me, he took to punching me in the arm.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sociology class connection

My youngest is totally obsessing on Shrek, and so, while I sit at the computer and research the American Cancer Society's financial connections, I have one eye on the television.  And apparently, one ear.  From the movie, Mona Lisa Smile, the song that Tori Amos sings while the girls dance at the wedding reception is Patsy Cline's You Belong to Me.  That same song plays in Shrek when the big green ogre is discussing swamp rat stew with the princess.  A remade version, both times, but interesting tie in.  Tori Amos attempted to be the challenge of her day, pushing feminist ideals when the mainstream wasn't really fully behind it.  Tori Amos can be seen to inspire Lady Gaga in her music and challenging the system.  Pink followd her pattern, also, especially when you watch the video Raise Your Glass.  Compare that to the album art of Boys for Pele, and there is no denying the influence she had.  Mona Lisa Smile is a feather in the cap of multiple female actors as they showed themselves capable of making a thoughtful movie with strong female leads.  Nice review of the creation of femininity.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Halftime in America

If you haven't seen "Halftime in America", check it out.  Then, read on. . .

The first time I watched the video, when it first aired, Eastwood's unmistakable voice took me in.  Whatever he is selling, I am buying.  He is the epitome of manhood.  I wanna be just like him when I grow up.  Then comes the "Halftime" commentary.  Wow.  It didn't take long to put that together with Obama.  What an interesting commercial.  For the cost of production, air time, etc, there is no way that Chrysler didn't realize the dual meaning behind what they were saying. 

What is interesting, above everything is how encompassing the commercial is.  Every race, gender, and age is represented.  Blue collar workers, middle class families, farmers/ranchers, firefighters.  Everything that is prototypically American is in this video.  A black man dropping his kids off at school.  A white suburbanite mother driving with her daughter.  What a powerful message this conveys on so many levels.

The protest scenes are from Wisconsin, against Governor Brown, in support of the unions.  The talking head (Wendt sounds off) I haven't been able to figure out yet, and would love some insight.  But, at first instinct, it made me think Bill O'Reilly.  It was interesting that the image was shot from a television, giving the impression that the commercial viewer was watching this on television, disconnecting the viewer further. 

Is the commercial partisan?  Or does it just happen to work on several levels?  Does it matter if it is political, because isn't that ok under Citizen's United?   Ok, maybe that is a bit of a stretch, but. . .

It is interesting to see products becoming more political.  Coca-Cola's attempt to save the Polar Bear is interesting, after the fight between environmentalists and the Bush Administration a few years ago. 

So, you decide.  Is this commercial politicized?  Did it cross the line?  Write up your thoughts in the comments. 

Here are some responses that popped up when I googled for the commercial:

I like this one for telling both sides.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Initial reaction to State of the Union

1.  Wow, he came out angry and swinging.  Swinging somewhat at the ghost of Bush, which is swinging at the wind, but also against the Congress.  He did swing a few times at the Republicans, but just as likely to blame the whole body.  Jonathan Karl called it controversial and confrontational, so that the Republicans left quickly. 

2.  Not surprised by the love of Gabby Giffords.  He almost seemed lost in the hug at the beginning.  He was ready to pull back, she wasn't.  The place cleared out quickly when he was leaving.  Lot's of folks vacated quickly, and not as many stayed for fist bumps and hugs. 

3.  He brought his military with his wife.  Traditionally, it is an enlisted person.  This year, it was an Army Sergeant, but I couldn't tell her unit and MOS.  She was decorated, though, and has been overseas for at least a year.  Interesting that he didn't introduce her.  Full bird Colonel behind Michelle.  Also, staying on the military, the Joint Chiefs all showed up, but Odierno was so big, that they had to push the other three to the back row.  Guys huge. . .

4.  Walking in, you see the big wigs in the parties.  Eric Cantor, Majority leader in the House, followed by his Whip, Kevin McCarthy.  Mitch McConnell didn't seem to be in the line to walk in, but Harry Reid was. 

5.  The Supreme Court brought the moderate and liberal wing.  The die hard conservatives boycotted, except for the Chief Justice.  Sotomayor was the only liberal not to show. 

6.  People arrived for seats at 815 AM.  That is a long wait.  They had to be in seats they wanted at 530 pm, and could reserve them. 

7.  The young woman that was issued as a key to the relationship between companies and colleges was an interesting choice.  Her hairstyle was lacking and she had heavy tattoos on her neck visible to the camera.  The lip piercing added to this.  It struck me because she wasn't necessarily a classical camera ready image.  You have to admit, the administration did not ask her to change for the camera. 

8.  The president asked the states to raise the graduation age to 18 or graduation.  That is huge, but is only a request.  He has no power to do much in this way.

9.  The joke about spilled milk was more of a classic Obama.  It should have gotten more laughs, but I think his speech was enough of a challenge and harbringer of the age.  Why can't -- timing -- Obama tell a joke? 

10.  There were several times when the audience attempted to clap and he talked over them, and in one case, he silenced the applause to continue his talk.  He took control of the audience rather than seeking the easy accolades. 

11.  Rigid ideologies vs. common sense.  Hard to fight that.  Streamline the bureaucracy, how do you fight that?  The Republicans will have a hard time spinning that against Obama. 

12.  The issue of Iran and the use of the military:  The military got 100% support of the crowd.  McCraven, the Navy Seal, behind Michelle Obama, is the head of Special Operations.  He is the guy in charge of the operation that took out Osama.  He was on the top five list for Time's Person of the Year.  Interesting background. 

13.  Obama mentioned his former opponents, including former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, a Bush carryover.  Geithner was another carryover.  Hillary seemed to be the cabinet member that Obama spent the most time with after the speech.  Sebelius wasn't even done with him when he walked past. 

14.  Ok, what happened to John Kerry's face. 

A small dissection of the Marine Corps urination scandal

I was in no big hurry to follow up on this story, but I felt that I must deal with it at some point. This post is not to pass judgement but to look at a few issues.

1.  In the article, Fox News uses the word desecration in parentheses ("desecrating" the bodies).  From a sociological perspective, if these were American dead, and anyone was urinating on them, would we hesitate to call it a desecration? 

2.  Bad things happen in war.  Morals are not instilled in war time.  They are very often shed.  These men should be judged by a jury of peers, not the media or the public.  Unfortunately, their actions will be viewed by many, and it is not our mainstream media that will be the problem.  We can not filter what others find on the internet (where this video posted), and how it is used against us.  My fear is for future U.S. military personnel in the wake of this incident.  There are numerous examples of group actions that are not reflective of mainstream cultural norms in American history. This is not a new phenomenon, but as the author of the essay points out, "It shows how, in the present era of instant communication and YouTube, a tactical judgment blunder by a small number of troops can become a big strategic problem in a matter of a few hours."  An isolated incident is no longer an isolated incident. 

3.  The concept of the other plays perfectly here.  It would have been much more difficult to have done this to someone that resemble the Marines.  Because of the differences in language, diet and smell, culture, and appearance, this behavior was more acceptable.  The Japanese skull on the desk of the young girl writing her boyfriend in the Pacific. . .

4.  The justification is that these men had suffered losses at the hands of an enemy that did not fight fairly.  The same logic is used to defend the American soldiers at My Lai, under Lt. Calley.  Ultimately, if we seek to do terrible things, we will find a way to justify them, also. 

5.  God be with the soldiers and their families, especially.  Their careers are probably over.  And, God be with our enemies.  Some day we will all understand this war and find some type of peace.