Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Simple study for Sociology:

Measure targets of ads and create your own categories.  I am using the following as examples:

Male target, promote traditional masculinity (successful man, gets the girl, makes money)
Male target, male victim or buffoon
Female target, female victim or traditional role of caretaker/submissive/dominant in domestic issues/parenting.
Female target, dominant in business, relationship, situations without the home or children.

Interestingly, a commercial can show a strong female and a weak/submissive male, but who is the target audience?  Who will be the dominant in a commercial with a submissive male, and no dominant female? 

You can break commercials into race/cutlure, also.  How often are Asians or Hispanics the main target?  What role do they play in the commercial?  We must get through the initial defensiveness and understand that the companies that pay for commercials coordinate every aspect of the commercial.  Clothing, setting, makeup, hair color, etc, are all chosen for a purpose.  Nothing is overlooked, for it all sends a message.  That message must be controlled and the cost of marketing guarantees that they won't risk sending the wrong message. 

Build your own schematic/rubric to study television and look for their hidden messages.  Good luck and enjoy.

Link following up on Power and Authority

Following up on our study of the LAPD, power, and authority, I came across this link.  This is the site I cite often in class, so no surprise.  What can you interpret from the graphs, though?  The author of the post sums it  up for you.  If one were to leave the provacative title off, and just look at the graphs, would it cause the same reaction?  Something to build on. . .

Racial Profiling link