Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Town Hall Debate, Oct 16, 2012

Fun debate to watch.  They did get heated.  I was digging in the fridge when I heard a pop sound.  I was certain Romney went after Obama, as Obama had the mic, and was criticizing him.  They really tore in to some skin.  Going back to the 2004 debate, John Kerry vs. Bush.  I gave it to Kerry, but after the debates, when the crowd came down, they rushed Bush.  The comment afterwards was that even Democrats wanted to have a beer with Bush.  Similar event happening here.  First of all, when the families came up, the Romney family surrounded Mitt, and he was not accessible to the crowd.  That didn't look good for him.  Obama dove right in to the crowd, shaking hands.  He continues to be popular with the crowd, talking and shaking hands.  Romney is posing for a lot of pictures, and signing.  It seems the audience is leaning to Obama.  Michelle is posing and talking up well.  Ann seems alone.  Lots of Secret Service around Romney.  Candy, the moderator, was top notch.  She owned the candidates.  Romney tried to fight her early on, but she held her own.  Well played.  Everyone wants photos.  Oddly, they all have store bough disposables.  There must have been a rule about carry ins.  I see no purses, no bags, and no cameras.  Wonder if the committee for the debates bought the cameras. . . In this day and age, how do you not have a digital camera?  What a fun night.  It is now 20 minutes after the debate ended.  Obama has a crowd.  Ann is standing alone.  The audience is completely surrounding the Obamas.  Is that Romney going over to pose with Obama?  Maybe asking for an autograph.  It was interesting to hear the black guy asking Obama why he should vote for him, and what a situation everyone made of it.  His skin color owned his behavior and his comments.  We are not post racial. 

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