Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Differences between speeches. . .

It is clear, after listening to Castro, the tone is different between the incumbent party and the challenging party.  The challenging party has to focus on what their opponent has done wrong and what their candidate will do to fix it, but largely are free of a need for evidence, because they come with a fairly blank slate.  They have never been president before (presumably).  The incumbent (the sitting president) has the ability to put a positive spin on their own record, but also has the negative interpretation/spin on that same record.  Romney's supporters had to be negative to rally support, but can only offer promises of what is to come.  Running a private business is very different than being POTUS.  2016 will be super exciting, as both parties will be putting forward brand new candidates, if Obama wins.  Obama, if he loses, won't run again in 2016, more than likely.  Romney, if history pans out, will not run successfully for the candidacy in 2016.  What a crazy system we have.  Sadly, you get one shot at the national ticket, and if you fail in November, the party tends to push you aside.  I cannot think of a major candiate that lost in Novemeber who came back four years later.  Many who don't win the primary will return, but not the candidate for the general election. 

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