Monday, December 19, 2011

Men vs. Women

I sat in Chipotle for lunch today.  My dirty little secret, eating out alone.  I pulled up my meal next to a very attractive young woman in her late 20s.  Behind me were several former students.  People watching is such a hobby of mine.  Anyway, it got me thinking about the ways that women differentiate themselves.  Pulling out a notepad (which at this writing is in my car, at the store, with my wife), I wrote up two lists.  One was how a woman can set herself apart, personally, from the chin up, and without surgery, versus how a man can distinguish himself from the chin up.  There had to be guidelines to govern this, and here they are:  the differentiation must meet the standards of a regular white collar workplace.  For the students, if Miege won't allow it, it didn't go on the list.  Feel free to add anything I leave out.  So, here we go:

Ladies first:
Hair-- Long or short cuts. Up or down.
       the feathers in the hair.
       bangs or no bangs.
       ribbons, bows, bands, or bobby pins.
      layered, curled, straight, or spikey.
  earrings-- small, big, round, dangly, need I go on.  And numbers. 
  Makeup.   Enough said.
  Eyelash attachments.
  Plucked hair, shaped brows, and drawn back ins--
  Lipstick, eyeliner, etc. 
  Hair styles will change by the day. 
Men:  (just the standard, not a guy going out of his way to be unique)
Hair--one solid color (does not count for grays).  Not past collar.  can be spiked or naturally curly.
         shaved head acceptable.  A hair style can be done, but it will be the same daily. 
Facial hair is iffy.  mustaches may be more acceptable, but clean shaven is much more common.
Only blue collar commonly wear hats indoors, and almost always it will be a baseball cap, but hats        are never appropriate on men inside an office workplace. 

So, with all this noted, the question is simple:  Does the variety that women are allowed in their facial grant them greater freedoms or greater stress?  Does the ability to do so many different styles and recreate themselves daily allow greater joy?  Sound off. . . What do you think?  Who has it better, men or women.  I will say that I adore my short hair, as it makes life so easy.  I haven't brushed it in years.  On women, I adore a bald woman, as her face can shine, and you don't get distracted with busy hair.  On the other hand, a woman with long hair is usually an attraction for me.  Single women, dating women, and teenage girls seem to always have hair to the collar or beyond.  Mothers and grandmothers always seem to have short hair, and possibly curled hair rather than straight.  So, is long hair sexualized?

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