Friday, March 1, 2019

Hello, Google. It has been a while. . .

It's not you, it's me.  I've been busy.  Busy raising four wonderful, healthy, productive children.  Busy starting a club for kids to express themselves.  Busy establishing a gardening culture (I don't even know how to garden!) through an outside garden, a tower garden, and a grove of fruit trees (waiting final approval from central office).  I am in over my head in my subject.  I have forgotten how to teach American history.  It is like riding a bike:  You have to keep up the practice.  While I was busy in my personal cave, the world changed around me.  Wow, what changes.  

Like it or not, President Trump is upending all the science that was established in Political Science classes.  He is a game changer, but not a purposeful game changer.  From a detached perspective, he is a study in where we have found ourselves as a nation.  Democracy is hard, and it is easy to be an anarchist when everyone else is following the rules.  I am not here to make predictions but only to put the system in to some sort of perspective.  We will see what becomes of us.  Good luck.  

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